Sunday, 15 September 2013

Day 2-Fashion & Textiles

a collection of collages made by the class

Today we began by using our samples we made yesterday as an influence for the creation of our 6 collages. We used figures cut from magazines as our base and then placed bits of our samples and other collaged materials on top of them. I decided to use a selection of different, unusual art materials including glitter glue, neon paper, fake grass and plasticine. I am really pleased with how my collages turned out as I really enjoyed the chance to experiment and use the wide range of materials that I did. I liked combining both fashion and illustration in a way that manages to differ from the obvious fashion illustration you see regularly. These are some images of today's work:

The next step was to choose a section of the body and create mixed media collages in this area. I chose the face and head to work with as I found really interesting images in today's Stylist magazine which are dolls heads. I thought these images were a good resource as it was more interesting than using real faces; also my work has quite a childish, carefree feel and so the image of dolls works well. These collages were really enjoyable to make as again I loved the chance to experiment and use unusual materials. Below are images of my collages:

In the afternoon, we started to design our garment/accessory that we will make out of paper tomorrow. I did a selection of drawings with bits of the texture I will use next to the sketches as a visual aid. The key component of the garment is paper as this is often seen as a throwaway material and not recognised for the valuable resource it can be. Also, it allows the focus to be the design as opposed to the construction. Through the process of sketching, I decided to create a shift/tabard style dress with felt tabs. I want the focus to be on the decoration of the garment as opposed to the shape, hence the simple design. I will use a combination of papers, textures and drawn elements. Below are pictures of my design process, planning and final design:

1 comment:

  1. Looking through your blog there is a clear distinctive style radiating from all your pieces. I specifically really love your Barbie manipulation work here. You have been able to make a really effective piece that is striking and unique yet still with your own style again. If I had to ask you to do anything different I would probably say try experimenting more with your style but on a 3D scale or even a sculptural piece which could be word such as a hat etc. Really good work keep developing your style.
